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Introduction form the Author

Over the past several years, I have read dozens of books, listened to countless podcasts, and attended a nauseating number of professional development courses focused on school leadership and culture. While each offered some slight insight into what it meant to sit in the principal’s chair, I always felt the job of the principal was more complex than could be summed up in a short read or a 45 minute podcast. What I found was I learned more from conversations I had with fellow administrators in relaxed settings. These talks weren’t in depth collaborations. In all honesty, they were good ol’fashioned “bull” sessions. You know the type. The talks you have where you sit around and tells stories about how weird and wild this profession can be. I found that I learned more from hearing what others had done in tough situations than reading the latest book about student poverty or emotional needs of students. The ideas and theories were there but were embedded in a gritty, real world, and often humorous story.

My love of these conversations is the basis of this blog. As I post my thoughts, I will not use a lot of educational “jargon” and will probably not quote Fullan or Surgiovanni. Instead, I will focus on my own experiences and how they helped me develop as a leader. Perhaps my experiences, musings and corny jokes will benefit you in your school or on your journey to an administrative career. I hope that readers will share their experiences also. I love a good “war" story and hearing what others face every day in this crazy profession. Remember, you are not in this alone. We, as educators and administrators, can support and learn from each other. No matter the issue, there is always someone else that has crossed that bridge and carried that cross. Look around for the answers or guidance. Reach out to me via Twitter or Instagram if you need to bounce ideas or problems off another professional.

Till next time,

Stay Sharp

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